Minutes Wed 5 Jan 1820

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Wed 5 Jan 1820


Mr Woodhouse withdrew the notice given by Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co of interrupting the navigation of the Stroudwater on the date that he had stated. Mr Woodhouse further agreed to defer the day to the 24 January at the least and in the meantime to put up stop gates on the northward side of the Stroudwater at the point of junction.

Verbatim text

At a Special Meeting of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Wednesday the 5^th day January 1820
Present: W W Darke MD, P H Fisher, N Jones, Tho Holbrow, Jn^o Morgan, H Eycott, R Scudamore.
The Committee having met were attended by M^r Woodhouse the Engineer of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal C^o who on the part of that Company declared that He was authorised to withdraw and did withdraw the notice given by that Company of interrupting the navigation of the Stroudwater Navigation as far as related to the day therein named for commencing the same. And M^r Woodhouse further agreed to defer the day to the 24^th Instant at the least, and in the mean time to put up Stop Gates on the Northward side of the Stroudwater Navigation at the point of junction of the two Canals to prevent the loss of water from the Stroudwater Navigation.

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