Minutes Tue 7 Mar 1820

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Tue 7 Mar 1820


Special Meeting. Robert Miles having been appointed by the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co to be gatekeeper to attend the gates erected near the junction of the G&B and the Stroudwater was approved. His instructions were to ‘constantly attend the gates and be diligent in his duty and to take especial care that no water be wasted or taken out of the Stroudwater.’

Verbatim text

At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Tuesday 7^th day of March 1820
Present: Nath^l Jones, William Stanton, Henry Eycott, John Snowden, Thomas Holbrow, P H Fisher.
Robert Miles having been appointed by the Company of Proprietors of the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal (under the clause for that purpose contained in the 58 & 59 pp of the Act of Parliament passed in the 33^rd Year of Geo the 3^rd for making the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal) to be the Gatekeeper to attend the gates erected near the junction of the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal with the Stroudwater Navigation for the preservation of the water in the Stroudwater Navigation and for other the purposes in the said Clause contained. And testimonials of his character having been received from respectable Persons; Ordered that the appointment of the said Robert Miles be approved, and that He be instructed "constantly to attend the Gates", and to be diligent in his duty and to take especial case that no water be wasted or taken out of the said Stroudwater Navigation into the said Gloucester and Berkeley Canal according to the directions of the said Clause contain'd in the said Act and of the intent and meaning thereof.

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