Minutes Tue 30 May 1820

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Tue 30 May 1820


A letter from Mr Charleton, clerk of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co, to be considered at a better attended meeting.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Tuesday the 30^th day of May 1820
Present: N Jones, John Morgan, Tho Holbrow, W^m Stanton, D^r Darke, H Eycott.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
Examined the Books and Accounts of the Company,
Ordered that the Committee do go down the Canal in the Companys barge to Framiload on Tuesday the 20^th day of June next.
A Letter having been read from M^r Charleton the Clerk of the Gloster & Berkeley Canal, Ordered that the consideration of it be deferred to a more numerous Meeting.

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