Minutes Tue 12 Sep 1820

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Tue 12 Sep 1820


The Lodgemore works are to be suspended.
A dock for the purpose of repairing boats and preserving the mudding machine from the weather be made at Chippenham Platt.
The clerk having purchased two second hand boats, the order for building a new boat or punt is rescinded.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Tuesday the 12^th day of September 1820
Present: Henry Eycott, John Snowden, Will^m Stanton, John Morgan, Nath^l Jones, Will^m James.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
Examined the Books and accounts of the Company.
Ordered that the order to alter and widen the feeder at Lodgemore be suspended.
Ordered that a Dock for the purpose of repairing Boats, and preserving the Mudding Machine from the Weather be made at Chippenhams Plat.
The Clerk having purchased two second hand Boats, Ordered that the Order for building a New Boat or Punt be rescinded.

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