Wed 9 May 1821
Thomas Lewis to be moved from the care of the locks near Dudbridge, and his present residence, to the care of the five locks near Chippenham Platt, and that the garret of the house lately occupied by Tim Baker at Chippenham Platt be allotted as his future residence. A fireplace is to be made in the said garret, and Thomas Lewis’s wages to be fixed at 6s per week from Lady Day to Michaelmas and at 7s per week from Michaelmas to Lady.
William Hains Junior, Rich Nen, Job Guy and Edwin Vernon be dismissed on a fortnight’s notice.
Our carpenters to report on the state of the lower pair of lock gates at Whitminster lock.
The canal along the wharf at Dudbridge to be widened and deepened on the wharf side so as to enable barges to pass whilst a vessel may be unloading at the same wharf and that the bank be sloped from the water upwards to the wharf.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Wednesday the 9^th day of May 1821
Present: D^r Darke, M^r Eycott, M^r Jones, M^r Snowden, M^r Holbrow, M^r Fisher.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
Examined the Books & account of the Company.
Ordered that Thomas Lewis be removed from the care of the Locks near Dudbridge and his present residence, to the care of the 5 Locks near Chippenhamd Plat, & that the Garret of the House lately occupied by Tim^y Baker at Chippenhams Plat be allowed as his future residence. That a fireplace be made in the said Garret, & that Thomas Lewis's weekly wages be fixed at 6^s per Week from Lady day to Michaelmas & at 7^S per Week from Michaelmas to Lady day, & that a forthnights notice be given him of the above arrangement. Ordered that William Hains Jun^r, RIch^d Nen, Job Guy & Edwin Vernon be dismissed on a fortnight's notice. Ordered that our Carpenter proceed to View & at the adjourned Meeting do report on the state of the Lower pair of Lock Gates at the Whitminster Lock, Ordered that the Canal along the Wharf at Dudbridge be widened & deepened on the Wharf side to enable Barges to pass whilst a Vessel may be unloading at the said Wharf and that the Bank be sloped from the water upwards to the Wharf. Ordered that M^r Eycott, M^r Snowden M^r Stanton M^r Jones & D^r Darke be a sub Committee to Superintend the last mentioned Work.
That this meeting be adjourned to Wednesday teh 16^th Instant at 11 O'Clock in the forenoon & notice given of the same.