Wed 16 Apr 1823
Half Yearly General Meeting. Tonnage £4151 1s. Balance after wages, etc, £3505 1s 1d. Dividend of £17 10s delcared.
Mr Rob Davies cannot be allowed to have the footpath from Stanley to Stonehouse through the yard of Stonehouse Mill diverted along the towing path.
W. Hicks and other gentlemen attended on behalf of the Trustees of the Cainscross district of Turnpike Roads and stated that the bridge over the canal near Chippenham Platt is inconvenient and dangerous by reason of its declivity. They requested permission to take down part of the present bridge and to rebuild the same of a lower elevation than at present by so many inches as the committee shall agree. They further proposed to make the new part wider than at present and that the canal Company should contribute ten thousand bricks suitable for the work and the sum of £50 towards making the alteration. They further proposed that the alteration be made under the direction of a surveyor to be chosen by the committee. The committee agreed as long as it can be carried into effect without injury or inconvenience to the navigation of the canal.
The committee is to procure estimates for erecting a crane at Dudbridge Wharf. Cranage to be charged for using the crane of 3d per ton for goods weighing less than two tons, and for all goods weighing two tons and upwards the sum of 6d per ton.
At a General half Yearly meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn Stroud on Wednesday the 16^th day of April 1823
John Snowden Esq^r in the Chair.
The minutes of the last General Meeting were read & confirmed.
The several Books & accounts were produced respecting the affairs of the Company (as directed by Act of Parliament) and were examined & confirmed.
It appears by the accounts that the Sum of £4151..0..0 has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 13^th day of October last to the 13^th Instant, a part of which has been applied towards the payment of wages, disbursments, etc, & that there remains in the Treasurers hands (after paying the last dividend) the sum of £3505..1..1.
Ordered that a dividend of £17..10 be paid on each Share by the Treasurer on the first day of May next & that our Clerk do transmit circular Letters to all the proprietors to inform them that they may draw upon the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the same.
Ordered that our Clerk do write to M^r Rob^t Davis & inform him that the Company refuse to allow the foot path from Stanley to Stonehouse through the Yard of Stonehouse Mill to be directed along the towing path as now used; & that He do proceed to obstruct the same, if M^r Rob Davis does not again turn the Road.
The following Gentlemen are appointed a Committee for the following Year, Viz:
William Stanton, Joseph Grazebrook, W^m Weale Darke, Alex^r Townsend, John Snowden, George Wathen, Tho^s Holbrow, W^m S Wilson, Nath^l Jones, Rev^d W^m James, John Morgan, Paul Hawkins Fisher, Joseph Watts.
M^r Hicks and other gentlemen attended on behalf of the Trustees of the Cainscross district of Turnpike Roads, and stated that the bridge over the Canal near Chippenham's Platt is inconvenient and dangerous by reason of its declivity. They then requested permission to take down part of the present Bridge and to rebuild the same with a less elevation than at present, by so many inches as the committee shall, on consideration, be of opinion that its height may be reduced, without injury of inconvenience to the Navigation of the Canal.
They further proposed to make the new part of the bridge wider than at present, & that the Canal Company should contribute ten thousand bricks, suitable for the work and the Sum of Fifty pounds towards making the alteration. They further proposed that the alteration should be made under the direction of a Surveyor to be chosen by the Committee.
Ordered that the alteration proposed by acceded to provided the Committee shall be satisfied that it can be carried into effect without injury or inconvenience to the navigation of the Canal. And
Ordered that the Committee do cause proper Surveys and investigations to be made for determining the same, and if they should be of the opinion that it may be done, then to consider how many inches the height of the bridge can be conveniently reduced and to allow the same to be done accordingly: taking proper security of the Trustees of the Cainscross district of roads for the performance of the work in a good and substantial manner, without impacting the navigation of the Canal; and such work to be done under the directions or to the satisfaction of some proper person appointed by the Committee to overlook and survey the same, if the committee should see fit. And that the committee do allow such bricks and money, not exceeding the amount requested, as they shall think proper.
Ordered that the Committee do proceed to procure estimates for erecting a Crane at Dudbridge Wharf, and cause one to be set up there; and that a Cranage be charged for using the same after the following rates viz:
3^d per ton for goods weighing less than two tons; and for all goods weighing two tons and upward the Sum of Sixpence per Ton, and so proportionally for any part of a Ton.