Minutes Tue 13 Apr 1824

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Tue 13 Apr 1824


Peter Drew claimed share no.89, will of William Drew.
The present office belonging to the Company at their wharf at Wallbridge to be taken down and a new building erected to be used as an office in lieu thereof.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge On Tuesday the 13^th day of April 1824
Present: Rev^d M^r James, M^r Fisher, M^r Snowden, M^r Wilson. M^r Jones, M^r Grazebrook, M^r Holbrow, D^r Darke, M^r Stanton.
Examined the Books and accounts of the Company.
George Hawker appeared on behalf of Peter Drew of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Gentleman Legatee in & by the last Will & Testamnet of William Drew of Salmon's Mill in the Parish of Painswick in the said County of Gloucester Gentleman deceased & made out his claim to one Share N^0 89 in the Stroudwater Navigation the property of the said William Drew, by producing the probate of the Will of he said William Drew bearing date the 4^th of December 1833 & duly proved in the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Gloucester teh 31^st day of December 1823. Whereby it appears that the said Peter Drew is named and appointed one of the Executors and also Legatee of the said Share in & by the said Will & his claim is hereby admitted accordingly.
Ordered that the present Office belonging to the Company at their Wharf at Wallbridge be taken down and a new Building erected, to be used as an office, in lieu there of the same to be of the dimensions, and according to the plan, this day produced to the Committee.

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