Minutes Thu 5 Aug 1824

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Thu 5 Aug 1824


Annual inspection on board a barge.
An addition to be made to the dwelling house at Chippenham Platt in the occupation of Browning of two rooms, one below and the other above, with dimensions of 12 feet by 12, built of bricks.
A new pair of lock gates be put in at the Whitminster Lock
The wall of the river where it enters the Severn near the Severn Lode to be repaired.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on Board a Barge on Thursday the 5^th Day of August 1824
Present: M^r Jones, M^r Fisher, D^r Darke, M^r Stanton, M^r Wilson, M^r Snowden, M^r Grazebrook, M^r Wathen, Rev^d M^r James.
Ordered that an addition be made to the dwelling House at Chippenham Plat in the occupation of Browning of two Rooms (one below & the other above) of the dimensions of about 12 feet by 12 & that the same be built of Brick.
Ordered that a New pair of Lock Gates be put in at the Whitminster Locks. That the Wall of the River where it enters the Severn near the Severn Lodes be repaired.

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