Minutes Wed 20 Oct 1824

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Wed 20 Oct 1824


Half Yearly General Meeting. Tonnage £3414 1s 2d. Balance after wages, etc, £2400 4s 3d. Dividend of £12 declared.
Committee invested with the fullest powers either to negotiate with the Projectors of the Stroud & Severn Rail Road or Tram Road or not as they may see cause. They may delegate their authority to any number of their own body not less than three.
Committee empowered to vary and regulate the tonnage rates on the canal.
Committee empowered to oppose the projected rail road by petition to both houses of parliament if they think such a measure necessary and for that purpose to retain and employ Counsel, Solicitors, Engineers, Surveyors, and other agents and generally to act as circumstances may in their judgement require.
Committee empowered to join the land owners in the line of the projected rail road in measures of opposition or in measures of restraint.
That it be an instruction to our committee to associate with themselves Thomas Jones and Francis Knight to consult and deliberate on the measures.
That in order to provide funds for the exigencies of the canal the payment of the dividend be postponed.

Verbatim text

At a General half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn Stroud on Wednesday the 20th October 1824
Thomas Jones Esq^r in the Chair.
The minutes of the last general meeting were read & confirmed.
The several Books and accounts were produced respecting the affairs of the Company (as directed by Act of Parliament) and were examined & confirmed.
It appears by the accounts that the sum of £3414..1..2 has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 13^th day of April to the 13^th Instant a part of which has been applied towards the payment of wages, disbursments, etc, & that the remains in the Treasurers hands (after paying the last dividend) the Sum of £2400..4..3.
Ordered That a Dividend of Twelve Pounds be paid on each Share by the Treasurer. A Rail Road having been projected from the Severn to Stroud and a Copy of a Resolution passed at a meeting of the projectors having been sent to our Clerk, and having now been read:
Ordered and resolved That our Committee be invested with the fullest powers either to negociate with the Projectors of the Stoud and Severn Rail Road or Tram Road, or not, as they may see cause, and as circumstances may in their Judgement require:-
Ordered and resolved That our Committee be empowered to delegate their Authorities to any number of their own body not less than three:
That our Committee be empowered to vary and regulate the Tonnage rates of the Canal as they may think proper, and as circumstances may in their judgement require:
That our Committee be empowered to oppose the projected Rail Road or Tram Way by Petition to both Houses of Parliament if they think such a Measure necessary. And for that purpose to retain and employ Counsel Solicitors, Engineers Surveyors and other Agents, and generally to act as circumstances may in their Judgement require:
That our Committee be empowered to join the Land owners in the line of the projected Rail road or Tram road in measures of opposition to the Rail road or Tram Road, or in measures of restraint; if such proceedings shall be deemed proper by the Committee:
That it be an instruction to our Committee to associate with themselves any one or more of the following Gentlemen (vix: Thomas Jones and Francis Knight Esquires, so long as they may be proprietors), and to consult and deliberate with such Gentlemen on measures which it may be prudent to adopt.
That in order to provide Funds for the exigencies of the Canal the payment of the Dividend which has been declared be postponed unto our Committee think fit to direct it to be paid: And that our Committee be empowered to order the payment of such Divident, or any part of it, when they think proper.
That the thanks of this meeting be presented to Thomas Jones Esq^r for his able Conduct in the Chair.

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