Minutes Thu 28 Oct 1824

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Thu 28 Oct 1824


The meeting ratified the resolutions of the previous meeting and resolved to negotiate with the subscribers to the tram road in writing to avoid misunderstandings.
Resolved that the tram road committee be requested to state specifically the amount of the reduction in the tonnage rates of this canal which they expect, and the specific terms which it is their intention to ask for in this negotiation.

Verbatim text

At a Committee Meeting held the 18^th October 1824
Joseph Grazebrook Esq in the Chair.
The orders and Resolutions passed at the last General Meeting of the Proprietors having been read and taken into Consideration by us assembles in Committee -- And the Proceedings of the Subscribers to the Tram Road having been also read;
That in our Opinion the negociation with the Subscibers to the Tram Road and with their Committee be conducted in writing in order to prevent misunderstanding and misconstruction by either party --
As the Committee of the Subscribers to the Tram Road are at present only Authorized to enter into a Negocialtion with this Committee -- and are directed to report their proceedings to a Special General Meeting to be convened, before a treaty can be concluded.
That it be Submitted to such Committee of the Tram Road that it will facilitate the Negociation if their General Meeting will invest them with full Powers to Conclude a treaty as well as Negociate, before the Negociation be opened.
That the Tram Road Committee be requested to state Specifically the Amount of the reduction in the Tonnage Rates of this Canal which they expect, and the Specific terms which it is their intention to ask for in this Negociation.
That a copy of these Resolution be transmitted to the Chairman of the Meeting of Subscribers to the Rail Road.

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