Minutes Tue 2 Nov 1824

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Tue 2 Nov 1824


Committee consider the proposition made to them by the subscribers of the tram road so unreasonable that they cannot possibly accede to it, but they have a passed a resolution to reduce the tonnage rates to sums which they hope will satisfy all moderate persons of the disinterested public .
The tonnage rate to be lowered 1½d per ton per mile from the 1 December.
That the resolutions be communicated to the committee of the tram road subscribers and be published in the Gloucester papers and the Bristol Journal.

Verbatim text

At a Committee Meeting held the 2^d day of Novem^r 1824
Thomas Holbrow Esq in the Chair.
The Resolutions of the Subscribers to the Tram Road at a Meeting held by them on the 30 day of October having bee read,
Resolved That this Committee consider the Proposition* made to them by the Subscribers of the Tram Road so unreasonable that they cannot possibly accede to it -- but they have passed a resolution to reduce their Tonnage Rates to Sums they hope will satisfy all moderate Persons & the disinterested Public.
That the Tonnage Rates on this Canal be lowered One Penny halfpenny per Ton per mile from the first day of December next.
That the Resolutions be communicated to the Committee of the Tram Road Subscribers, and be published in the Gloucester Papers & Felix Farleys Bristol Journal.
* The proposition made by the Subscribers of the Tram Road was to reduce our Tonnage to 2½ per Ton per Mile.

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