Wed 9 Feb 1825
Special Meeting. Our treasurer to give John Snowden, now in London, a letter of audit on his London banker for payment of the sum of £300.
The following gentlemen are requested to attend in London: Joseph Grazebrook, Dr Darke, P H Fisher, John Holbrow, Francis Knight, Joseph Hawker.
At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Wednesday the 9^th day of February 1825
Present: M^r Holbrow, M^r Jones, D^r Darke, M^r Fisher, M^r Stanton, M^r Grazebrook.
Ordered That our Treasureer do give to John Snowden Esq (now in London on the Affairs of the company) a Letter of Credit on his London Banker, for payment of the Sum of Three hundred points or such part thereof as he shall require.
Ordered that the following Gentlemen any or either of them be requested to attend in London for the purpose of conducting the opposition to the proposed Tram Road when requested by M^r Snowden - and the expences consequent on their attendance be borne and paid out of the Funds of the Stroudwater Navigation Company, viz:
Members of the Committee: Joseph Grazebrook, D^r Darke, P H Fisher.
Proprietors: John Holbrow, Francis Knight, Joseph Hawker.
Ordered that a special General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroud Water Navigation be convened on Wednesday the 15^th of February Instant at One O'Clock for the purpose of filling up vacancies in the Committee and other special Business.