Wed 16 Feb 1825
Special General Meeting. The Committee and the deputation now sitting in London be authorised to order Clerk to affix the common seal of the Company to any petition or other instrument which they may think necessary in opposition to the proposed railway from the Severn to Brimscombe Port.
The following gentlemen were appointed to fill the vacancies in the committee. W H Harford, Christopher Capel, John Holbrow.
At a Special General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn Stroud on Wednesday the 16^th day of February 1825
Jos. Grazebrook Esq^r in the Chair.
Ordered that the Committee of this Company and the deputation now sitting in London be authorized to order Our Clerk to affix the common Seal of the Company to any Petition or Petitions or other Instrument which they may think necessary to give effect to any measure they may adopt in opposition to the proposed Railway from the Severn to Brimscombe Port.
The following Gentlemen were appointed to fill the vacancies in the Committee: M^r W H Harford, M^r Christ^n Capel, M^r John Holbrow.