Minutes Wed 11 May 1825

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Wed 11 May 1825


Half Yearly General Meeting. Tonnage £4205 15s 11d. Balance after wages, etc, £3337 14s 11d. Dividend of £10 declared.
The second reading of ‘The Stroud & Severn Rail Road Bill’ on Thursday 28 was moved by Lord Edward Somerset (one of the Members for the County). Lord Viscount Folkestone opposed the Bill and moved as an amendment that it be read a second time that day six month. Votes for the amendment 140, for an immediate second reading 39, Majority 101.
Thanks to be presented by the chairman to Lord Viscount Folkestone, Alderman Bridges MP and Mr Calcraft for their opposition to the Bill. A list of ladies and gentlemen active in opposing the Bill was minuted.
Plate to the value of not less than one hundred guineas be presented to Mr Snowden for his zealous exertions.
Thanks expressed to W.H. Harford and the Revd Christopher Capel for their valuable advice and assistance. And also to W. Croome the solicitor.
Resolved that a reduction of tonnage be made on the following articles after 21 June next.
On all stone exported and on road stone imported, to 1d per ton per mile.
On all other stone and on bricks imported, to 2d per ton per mile.
On wool, woollen cloth and hay, to 2d per ton per mile.
All charges for wharfage, cranage and warehousing on the several wharfs be discontinued.
Ordered that in answer to the application made by the Commissioners of the Stroud Improvement Act, the Committee are empowered to make an abatement in, or wholly give up, the tonnage on stone brought up the Navigation for the paving of the town of Stroud, if they see fit, and make such regulations as they may judge proper.

Verbatim text

At a General half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn Stoud on Wednesday the 11^th day of May 1825
P H Fisher Esq^r in the Chair.
The minutes of the last general Meeting were read & confirmed.
The several Books and accounts were produced respecting the affairs of the Company (as directed by Act of Parliament) and were examined and confirmed.
It appears by the accounts that the Sum of £42-5..15..11 has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 13^th day of October 1824 to the 13^th day of April 1825, a part of which has been applied towards the payment of wages disbursments, etc, & that there remains in the Treasurer's hands (after paying the last dividend) the sum of £3337..14..11.
Ordered that a dividend of Ten Pounds be paid by the Treasurer on the 16^th day of May Inst & that our Clerk do transmit circular Letters to all the Proprietors to inform them that they may draw upon the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the same.
The following Gentlemen are appointed a Committee for the ensuing Year, Viz:
M^r Stanton, M^r W H Harford, The Rev C Capel, M^r THo Holbrow, D^r Darke, M^r Jn^o Holbrow, M^r P H Fisher, M^r Geo Wathen, M^r Jos Grazebrook, M^r Nath^l Jones. M^r Snowden, M^r John James, M^r H C Eycott.
Reported to this meeting that a second reading of "The Stroud and Severn Rail road Bill" in the House of Commons having been fixed for Thursday the 18^th day of April now last past, - the same was on that day moved by Lord Edward Somerset (one of the Members for the County): Upon which occasion Lord Viscount Folkestone opposed the Bill, and moved as an amendment that it be read a second time that day Six Months; when, after considerable debate, (upon a division of the House) there appeared the Majority - (almost unprecedented on a private Bill) of One hundred and One in favour of the amendment; and the Bill was accodingly lost:- the numbers being -
For the Amendment: 140
For the second Reading: 39
Majority: 101
Resolved that the very sincere thanks of this Meeting be presented by the Chairman to Lord Viscount Folkstone MP Alderman Bridges MP and Calcraft Esq MP for their able opposition to the Bill. And to the following Ladies and Gentlemen for their active exertions and highly valuable assistance in opposing the Bill - viz: -
M^rs Cambell of Bake St^t portman Square.
Miss Maxwell of Sackville St^t
Sir George Naylor, Hanover Square.
N W Peach Esq^r, Saville Row
S Peach Esq, Portland Place
Sale Esq, Surrey Street.
Joseph Hawker Esq - all of London
Charles Owen Cambridge Esq^r
Richard Hawker Esq
Eyre Lee Esq of Birmingham
Simon William Halliday Esq, Brompton Hall
& Thomas Dillon Hearne Esq.
Resolved that the Cordial Thanks of this Meeting are especially due, and that the same be, by the Chairman, presented to _Francis Knight_ Esqr of Saville Row, London, one of the proprietors, for the advice, and very active, continued and effective assistance rendered by him of that occasion.
Also to _John Snowden Esq^r_ one of the Committee for his very able and zealous exertions in the country and in London for several weeks, in conducting the opposition to the Bill: That a piece or pieces of plate of the value of not less than One hundred Guineas, be presented to him: and that the Committee do provide and present the same to him accordingly.
Resolved that the cordial thanks of this meeting are likewise especially due, and that the same be presented, to W H Harford Esqr and the Reverent Christopher Capel, for their valuable advice and assistance in London on the like occasion.
And also to M^r Croome, the Solicitor, for his zealous and valuable exertions.
Resolved that a Reduction of Tonnage be made on the following articles, from and after the 21^st day of June next, viz:
On all Stone exported, and -
On Roadstone imported, to one penny per Ton per Mile.
On all other Stone and on Bricks imported, to two pence per Ton per Mile.
On Wool, Wollen Cloth and Hay, to two pence per Ton per Mile.
And that, from the same tine, all charges for Wharfage Cranage and Warehousing, on the several Wharfs, be discontinued.
Ordered that (in answer to the application made by the Commissioners of the "Stroud Improvement Act) the Committee be empowered to make an abatement in, or wholly give up, the Tonnage on Stone brought up the Navigation for the paving of the Town of Stroud, if they shall see fit, and make such regulations as they may judge proper.

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