Sun 13 Nov 1831
From P B Purnell
Concerning the supply of water from the River Frome to the G&B Canal
Stancombe Park, 13th Nov 1831
In reply to your Letter of the 11th Inst,
Ste, Dangerfield had no direction from me to make any application to the Clerk of the Stroudwater Navigation at Framilode. He was directed to prevent the water from flowing into the Stroud Canal from the Frome River by the conveyances put in by the Gloucester Company for the use of their Canal.
I feel much obliged by your writing. And beg that you will formally request of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation that they will not be any means take or receive any Water from the Stroud or Frome River, excepting only what may be necessary for the use of the Stroudwater Navigation, until I have the honour to address them again.