Thu 22 Feb 1827
Thomas Bowles and Rev. Jeremiah Smith claimed share no.140, will of Rev Edward Mansfield.
£10 to be given as a subscription towards the fund for the relief of the distressed manufacturers.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Thursday the 22nd day of Feb^y 1827
Present: M^r Jones, M^r Stanton, M^r Sam Fisher, Tho Holbrow, M^r P H Fisher, Geo Wathen, M^r John Holbrow.
Examined the Books and Accounts of the Company.
Joseph Grazebrook Esquire attended on behalf of Thomas Bowles of Milton Hill, Berkshire, and The Reverend Jeramiah Smith of Kingstanley Gloucestershire, Executors named and appointed inand by the Last Will and Testament of The Reverend Edward Mansfield, Vicar of Bisley deceased, bearing date the twenty third day of June 1824, and produced the probate of the said Will (22nd September 1826) and claimed the Share N^o 149 in the Stroudwater Navigation for the said Thomas Bowles and Jeramiah Smith as such Executors as aforesaid, and their claim is hereby admitted.
Ordered that our Clerk do pay the Sum of Ten pounds, as a Subscription on the part of the proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation, towards the fund for the Relief of the distressed Manufacturers.