Minutes Tue 27 Mar 1827

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Tue 27 Mar 1827


The owners of land adjoining the canal may require fences to be made on the land to separate the towing path from the lands adjoining that the Company are bound to repair from time to time. If a horse towing path is made it will be necessary to purchase land along the line to widen the road. Even if Messrs Davies do not require such fences, the shortest length of such fences will be five miles.
Making and fencing a horse towing path, purchasing land, conveyances, etc, with a ragstone wall 4feet 6 inches high stopped up with road drift with the requisite gates and adapting bridgeways to the passage of horses will cost £3000. The question of making such a horse towing path is be submitted to the next General Meeting.

Verbatim text

At a Special meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Tuesday the 27^th day of March 1827
Present: M^r Tho Holbrow, M^r Jones, M^r P H Fisher, M^r Grazebrook, M^r S Fisher, M^r Eycott, M^r Jn^o Holbrow.
Appearing that the Owners of Land adjoining the Canal may require fences to be made on the Land of this Company to separate the Towing path from the Lands adjoining; & that the Company are bound to repair the same from time to time:-
That if a Horse Towing path be made it will be necessary to purchase land along the line to widen the Road; and a considerable number of proprietors of Land will require such fences to be made:-
That in such case (and on supposition that Mess^rs Davies will not require such fences) the shortest length of such fences will be five miles:-
That the expense of making and fencing all our towing path - purchasing Land, Conveyances, etc, (the fences being a Ragstone wall, 4 feet 6 inches high stopped up with road drift) the Requisite gates & adapting Bridgeways to the passage of Horses) will be the Sum of £3000.
Resolved that the question of making such Horse towing path be submitted to the next General Meeting;- and that in the circular Letter to the said proprietors, announcing the holding of such General Meeting, be contained an intimation that such question will be then considered, and that it is regarded as an important one.

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