Minutes Wed 20 Feb 1828

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Wed 20 Feb 1828


Ordered that the walls of the Wallbridge warehouse be raised to enlarge the upper room.
Ordered that the westward end of the house now occupied by Samuel Adams, of which now consists of a room on the ground floor only, to be raised so as to make another floor above.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Wednesday the 10^th day of February 1828
Present: M^r Eycott. M^r P H Fisher. M^r S Fisher, D^r Darke,, M^r Jones, M^r Tho Holbrow, M^r Jn^o Holbrow, M^r Grazebrook, M^r Wathen.
Examined the Books and Accounts of the Company.
Ordered that the Walls of the present Warehouse at Walbridge be raised, so as to enlarge the upper room thereof.
Ordered that the westward end of the House now in the occupation of Samuel Adams (which now consists of a room on the Ground floor only) be raised, so as to make another floor above the same.

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