Minutes Wed 16 Apr 1828

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Wed 16 Apr 1828


Frances Edwards claimed share no.197, will of William Chapman.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room on Wednesday the 16^th day of April 1828
Present: M^r Eycott, M^r Grazebrook, D^r Darke, M^r Stanton, M^r S Fisher, M^r P H Fisher, M^r Jones, M^r Holbrow, Rev. M^r Veel, M^r Jn^o Holbrow, M^r Wathen.
Examined the Books and Accounts of the Company.
Joseph Grazebrook Esq^r appeared on behalf of Frances Edwards of Hoddeson, Herts, and made claim for Her to one Share (N^o 199) in the Stroudwater Navigation as the property of the said Frances Edwards, by producing an extract from the Registry of the Perogative Court of Canterbury being a Copy of a Codicil of the last Will and Testament of William Chapman (in whose name the said Share stands) which Codicil is dated the 21^st day of October 1826 & was duly proved in the said Court the 6^th day of December 1826. Whereby it appears that the said Share was given to the said Frances Edwards & M^r W^m Suck, the surviving Executors having consented to such claim. The Claim of the said Frances Edwards is hereby admitted accordingly.

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