Minutes Thu 26 Jun 1828

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Thu 26 Jun 1828


Special Meeting. The Committee of the Thames & Severn and Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Companies are be invited to dine with the Committee at the George Inn, Stroud on Monday the 4th day of August next.

Verbatim text

At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Thursday the 26^th day of June 1828
Present: M^r Sam^l Fisher, M^r Grazebrook, M^r P H Fisher, M^r Wathen, M^r Holbrow, M^r Jones, M^r Jn^o Holbrow.
Ordered that the Committee of the Thames & Severn & Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Companies be invited to dine with the Committee at the George Inn Stroud on Monday the 4^th day of August next.
Ordered that this meeting be adjourned to Thursday the 3^d day July on Board the Barge at Walbridge to proceed thence at 7 o'clock (a,m.) down the Canal.

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