Thu 18 May 1871
A stoppage of the canal to take place from midnight of 8 July to 17 July for annual repair. It would only prevent barges, etc, from passing above the double locks.
Messrs C Hooper & Co to be allowed the use of the canal for the conveyance of wool between Bonds Mill and the Midland Railway warehouse rented by them at a rent of £5 p.a. commencing 25 March 1870.
Mr Peyton reported that W Millard, captain of the barge Reform, navigated his vessel with hoisted sails through Whitminster Bridge lock. Ordered to pay a fine of 10s and if he failed to do so the full penalty of £5 will be enforced. Mr N Peyton to be informed of the circumstances and to order captains of vessels not to do so in future.
Messrs Strachan & Co allowed, at their own expense, to put a 20 inch iron pipe under the canal between their reservoir on the north side and Fromehall Mills, the work to be done at the first convenient stoppage and to the satisfaction of the Company’s Surveyor. The pipe to remain only during the pleasure of the Company at a rent of 20s pa.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Thursday the 18^th day of May 1871
Present: M^r F S Thornton, M^r T Marling Chairman, T M Croome, W W Kearsey, S^l Phipps, J T Fisher.
Ordered that a Stoppage of the Canal do take place on Saturday night at 12 o'clock July 8^th and terminated on Monday night July 17^th -- this Stoppage will only prevent barges, etc, passing above the Double Locks, and take place for annual repairs.
Resolved that Mess^rs C Hooper & C^o be allowed the use of the Canal from the conveyance of Wool between Bonds Mill & the Midland Railway Warehouse rented by them, so long as the permission continue , at a rent after the rate of £5..0..0 per annum commencing from 25^th March 1870.
M^r Peyton reported that W Millard Captain of the Barge Reform navigated his vessel with hoisted sails through Whitminster Bridge Lock. Ordered that he pay a fine of 10^s/ & that unless he pays this amount the full Penalty of £5 will be enforced.
Ordered that M^r M N Peyton be informed of the circumstances & that he orders Captains of vessels not to do so in future.
Resolved that Mess^rs Strachan & C^o be allowed at their own expense to put a 20 inch iron pipe under the Canal between their reservoir at the north side, and Fromehall Mills, the work to be done at the first convenient stoppage, and to the satisfaction of the Company's Surveyor & the pipe to remain only during the pleasure of the Company at a rent after the rate of 20^s/ per annum [reduced to 2/6 in 7.98]