Minutes Thu 16 Nov 1871

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Thu 16 Nov 1871


Thomas Rickets claimed share nos.70,105, will of John Boucher.
Mr Kearsey reported that the scheme of the Stonehouse and Nailsworth Railway Company was heard before Vice Chancellor Malins. Alterations were made to the scheme rendering it satisfactory as regards the judgement debt of this Company against the railway Company.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Thursday teh 16^th day of November 1871
Present: M^r J C Hallewell, G H A Beard Chairman, F S Thornton, W W Kearsey, S Phipps, C H Fisher, T M Croome, J T Fisher, T Marling.
M^r G Spire of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended on behalf of M^r Tho^s Ricketts of Frocester in the aforenamed County Gentleman executor under the Will of John Boucher of Whitminster in the aforesaid County deceased and made out the Claim of the said Tho^s Rickets to 2 Shares numbered respectively 70 & 195 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said J Boucher deceased in the books of the said Company of Proprietors by producing the Probate of the Will of the said J Boucher deceased bearing date the 22^nd day of January 1870 and proved in the District Registry of her Majesty's Court of Probate at Gloucester on the 24^th day of October 1871 and also by producing the Ticket of Titles of the said Shares, and the Claim was admitted accordingly and new Tickets ordered to be made out.
Income Tax Return 1458..16..2
M^r Kearsey the Solicitor of the Company reported that the scheme of the Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway Company came on to be heard before Vice Chancellor Malins on Friday last the 10^th Ins't when this Company was represented by Counsel, and such alterations were made in the scheme as in the Opinion of Counsel rendered it satisfactory as regard the Judgement debt of this Company against the Railway Company:
Bills ordered to be paid: £ s d
O Cam Mason: 99..5..0
D Legge Auctioneer Timber: 15..10..0
Stroud Gas Company Coke: 0..8..0
S Jeffries Hallier: 0..13..0
W Knee Jr carriage of Timber: 0..9..0
Canal Inspection Sep^r 13: 2..18..7

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