Minutes Thu 18 Jan 1872

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Thu 18 Jan 1872


Mr Peyton to confer with Mr Kearsey re byelaw No. 5 relative to navigating the canal with 3 able persons to each barge, the addition of the words boats or other vessels being now required. The limit of age for boys to be classed as able persons is recommended to be fixed at not less than 15 years.
Mr Davis, boatman, be required to pay 7s 6d for wilful damage to the rack at the Double Locks or otherwise that he be proceeded against for the full amount of the penalty £5 incurred under Byelaw no 3.
Thomas Hawker, bargeman, is to pay 5s as a punishment for wilful waste of water at Westfield Lock, Eastington or otherwise be proceeded against for the full penalty of £5.
Mr Peyton reported that two closets belonging to this Company had been efficiently altered. t Mr Kearsey to put himself in communication with the various other offenders on the line of the canal in the same position.
A short handbill has been prepared to be send to every person, whether landlord or tenant, whose trees or boughs of trees overhang the towing paths or canal. The Surveyor to see to the exact carrying out of the terms of the notice in the handbill.
The Dock at Eastington having been repaired and made more convenient, no vessel shall after the 25 March next be drawn out of the canal for the purpose of repair and that all machines erected for this purpose on the land of the Company shall be removed and that notices shall be given to the proper parties.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Thursday January 18^th 1872
Present: M^r S Phipps, G H A Beard Chairman, J T Fisher, T Marling, T M Croome, C H Fisher.
Resolved that M^r Peyton do confer with M^r Kearsey the Solicitor as the the immediate reconsideration of Bye Law N^o 5 relative to navigating the Canal with 3 able persons to each Barge. The addition of the words Boat or other vessel being now required to be added thereto.
The limit of age for boys to be classed as able persons is recommended to be fixed at not less than 15 years.
Resolved that W^m Davis, Boatman, be required to pay 7^s/6d wilful damage to the rack at the Double Locks or otherwise that he be proceeded against for the full amount of the penalty £5 incurred under Bye Law N^o 5.
Resolved that Tho^s Hawker, bargeman be required to pay 5^s/ as a punishment for wilful waste of water at Nestfield Lock Eastington or otherwise that he be proceeded against for the full penalty of £5 under the Act of Parliament.
M^r Peyton reported that the 2 closets belonging to this Company and ordered to be prevented from discharging into the Canal had been efficiently altered -- it was therefore resolved that M^r Kearsey be informed of this, and desired to put himself in communication with the various other offenders on the line of the Canl in the same way.
A short form of handbill was prepared and ordered to be printed and M^r Peyton the Surveyor was desired to send a copy to any person whether landlord or tenant where trees or boughs of trees overhang the towing path or Canal and to see to the exact carrying out of the terms of the Notice in the Handbill.
Resolved that as the Dock at Eastington has now been repaired and made more convenient no barge boat or vessel shall after the 25^th of March next be drawn out of the Canal for the purpose of repair and that all machines erected for this purpose on the land of the Company shall be removed and that proper notices shall be given to the proper parties.
Resolved that a Special General Meeting of the Proprietors be called for Thursday Feby 55^th next at 1 o'clock PM for the alteration of Bye Laws and for other purposes.
Bills ordered to be paid:
Income Tax: 36..9..4
B Butt Plumber, etc: 6.6..11
E T Ward Office Coal 5 Tons: 3..13..6

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