Minutes Thu 15 Feb 1872

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Thu 15 Feb 1872


Mr Hughes of Wine Street, Bristol made an application to place an advertising notice board against the wall at Walbridge Wharf. Application be granted on condition that Mr Hughes pays 5s per quarter and that it be removed at any time this Company should give him notice.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridg on Thursday the 15^th day of February 1872
Present: M^r J C Hallewell, G H A Beard Chairman, S Phipps, T M Croome, T Marling, J T Fisher, W W Kearsey.
M^r Hughes of Wine Street Bristol made an application to place an advertising Notice Board against the Wall at Wallbridge Wharf.
Resolved that this application be granted on condition that M^r Hughes do pay 5^s/ per Quarter, and that he should remove the same at any time the Company should give him notice to do so.
Bills ordered to be paid: £ s d
J Elliott Stationery, etc: 9..11..4
H & J Bateman Wine, etc: 7..16..0
N Baxter Mason: 0..2..9
N A Partridge Petty Cash: 2..1..9
J Hewlett Plumber: 0..16..7

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