Minutes Thu 4 Apr 1872

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Thu 4 Apr 1872


The candidates attended for interview and upon considering their qualifications, it was resolved that Mr Snape be chosen upon the following terms: so long as he holds office of Clerk as advertised, he be remunerated, but if at any time this committee should choose to add the duties of Surveyor an increase of salary to the extent of £40 p.a. be made on the condition that all his time and attention be given to the service of the Company. The office to be held during good conduct and be subject to three month’s notice on either side. Mr Snape to sign a document drawn up by the solicitor of the Company for the due performance of his duties.
Copy of advertisement for a Clerk inserted in minutes.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Thursday the 4^th day of April 1874
Present: M^r S Phipps, G H A Beard Chairman, J T Fisher, T Marling, T M Croome, W W Kearsey.
Mess^rs Glass Till Snape and Osborne attended as Candidates for the Office of Clerk and upon considering their qualifications, it was resolved that M^r Snape be chosen upon the following terms, viz: that so long as he holds the Office of Clerk, as advertised, he be remunerated in accordance with the Advertisement, but if at any time this Committee should choose to add the duties of the Surveyor to that of the Clerk (which they are to be at liberty to do) an increase of Salary to the extent of £40 per annum to be made on the condition that all time and attention be given to the sole service of the Company. The Office to be held during good conduct and to be subject to 3 months notice on either side. And M^r Snape to sign a proper document as drawn up by the Solicitor of the Company for the due performance of his duties and to find satisfactory sureties for the same.
This Resolution was read to M^r Snape and assented to by him.
Bill ordered to be paid:
T Sisurn Drawback: 9..16..6
Copy of Advertisement for Clerk:
Wanted on the 24^th of June next, A Clerk to the Stroudwater Navigation. Salary £86 per annum with good residence and garden, adjoining the Town of Stroud. The Clerk is the principal Officer, and his duties are important and responsible, involving the keeping of the accounts, and a general superintendence of the matters of the Company, but they would admit of the employment of a portion of time as Surveyor, Engineer, Accountant, etc. Security will be required, and none but thoroughly competent and respectable persons need apply. Written application with age, full particulars of present and previous occupations, and testimonials and references to be sent, on or before the 15^th of March next, to the Chairman, G H A Beard Esq^r, Leonard Stanley, near Stonehouse. Gloucestershire.
Stroud Feb^y 22^d 1872

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