Minutes Thu 16 May 1872

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Thu 16 May 1872


Mr Partridge, the present Clerk of the Company, authorised to fill up and sign the necessary papers on behalf of the Company procuring the Guarantee Society to enter into a Suretyship from Mr Snape the new Clerk.
Estimate amounting to £31 sent in by Oliver Camm for a boundary wall at Bristol Road Wharf accepted subject to the work being done to the satisfaction of the surveyor.
The surveyor allowed to purchase some oak not exceeding the value of £40 and also black bricks (about 6000) .
The following boatmen to pay 2s each, or that the full penalty of 40s be enforced, for breach of byelaw made 15 February last. 25 March: Robert Redler, J. Davis paid; 8 April: J Young, G Bird paid; 10 April: J Davis; 11 April: A Whiting; 12 April: W Bullock paid; Green; A Bounds paid; 13 April: C Cox paid; 15 April: J Aldridge; 18 April: J Weyman; 22 April: H Ralph paid; 23 April: J Davis.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Thursday the 16^th day of May 1872
Present: M^r F S Thornton, J T Fisher Chairman, S Phipps, C H Hooper, T M Croome, W W Kearsey.
Resolved that M^r Partridge the present Clerk of the Company be authorised to fill up and sign the necessary papers on behalf of the Company procuring the Guarantee Society to enter into a Suretyship from M^r Snape the new Clerk.
Ordered that an estimate amounting to £31 sent in by O Cam for a boundary wall at Bristol Road Wharf be accepted subject to the work being done to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.
Ordered that the Surveyor be allowed to purchase some Oak not exceeding the value of £40 and also black bricks (about 6000).
Ordered that the following Boatmen pay 2^s/ each or that the full Penalty of 40^s/ be enforced for breach of Bye Law made 15^th February last:
March 25^th: Rob^t Ridler
March 25^thL J Davis Paid
April 8: T Young
April 8: G Bird Paid
April 10: J Davis
April 12: W Bullock Paid
April 13: Green
April 11: A Bounds Paid
April 13: C Cox paid
April 15: J Aldridge
April 18: J Weyman
April 22: H Ralph Paid
April 23: J Davis.
Bills to be paid:
O Cam Masons Work: 15..15..3
Monger & Stout Ironmonger: 5..16..5
E T Ward per W Knight Grate: 0..18..6

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