Minutes Wed 31 Jul 1872

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Wed 31 Jul 1872


James Smith Kingdom claimed shares no.108, will of Thomas Lodder.
Henry Fallows of Hanley Staffordshire applied for the situation of working foreman on the canal and he was appointed as such at the weekly wages of 25s with the privilege of living in the house lately occupied by Mr Peyton free from rent and rates during his service and on the understanding that he carries out any arrangements as to the traffic and tickets which may be required to be done at Eastington.
Owing to the want of attention to the paddles and lock gates during the late flood very considerable damage was done to the banks of the canal. Oliver Sitlington, whose business it was to attend to the paddles, is to be dismissed from the service of the Company and that he leave such service and give up the occupation of the Company’s cottage he now occupies on Saturday fortnight.
A gratuity of £10 to be given to Mr Snape on account of the expense to which he has been put by the removal of his goods to hither.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday July 31^st 1872
Present: M^r G H A Beard Chairman, M^r Croome, M^r Phipps, M^r Marling, M^r G T Fisher, M^r Kearsey.
[38] M^r W W Kearsey of Stroud in the County of Gloucester, Solicitor, attended on behalf of and under a written authority from James Smith Kingdom of No 7 Bedford Row London, Gentleman Sole Executor of the will of the late Thomas Lodder late of No 20 Devonshire Road Holloway Middlesex deceased (who died on the 11^th October 1871 and whose will was proved by the said James Smith Kingdom alone in the principal Registry of her Majesty's Court of Probate on the 25^th October 1871) and made out the claim of said James Smith Kingdom to share numbered 108 of the undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said Thomas Lodder, and also producing the original ticket of title to the said share and the claim was admitted and a new ticket ordered to be made out accordingly.
[47] Henry Fallows of Hanley Staffordshire applied for the situation of Working Foreman on the Canal and he was appointed as such at the weekly wage of 25/- with the privilege of living in the house lately occupied by M^r Peyton the Surveyor free from rent and taxes during his service and on the understanding that he carries out any arrangements as to the traffic and tickets which may be required to be done at Eastington.
[11] It was brought before the meeting that owing to the want of attention to the paddles and Lock Gates during the late flood very considerable damage was done to the banks of the Canal.
Resolved that Oliver Sitlington whose business it was to attend to the paddles, etc, be dismissed from the service of the Company and that he leave such service and give up the occupation of the Co's Cottage he now occupies on Saturday Fortnight.
Resolved that a gratuity of £10 be given to M^r Snape on a/c of the expence to which he has been put by the removal of his goods, etc, hither.
Bills to be paid:
Richard Berry Rakes & besomes: -..5..4
C Hooper oil: 1..18..3
Stroud News advertising Meeting: -..12..-
Stroud Journal advertising Meeting: -..13..-
Gloucester Chronicle advertising Meeting: -..18..-
A James Repairs to Houses: 4..3..3
W^m J Snape Travelling & other expenses: -..19..6
Gloucester Journal advertising Meeting: -..18..-
[Total] £10..7..4

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