Minutes Thu 19 Sep 1872

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Thu 19 Sep 1872


Mr M N Peyton’s pay be advanced 1s per week, making 16s per week.
Notice to be given to Mrs A Cottle to leave the cottage now occupied by her at Dudbridge on the 25 December next, taking the adjoining house at £5 p.a. William Clarke labourer to move into the cottage now in possession of Mrs Cottle.
The sub-committee appointed to inspect the canal reported that they did so on the 29 August, looking over the stores and finding the same in good order, visiting the works in progress during the stoppage, with which they expressed themselves satisfied. The houses of the company at the Bristol Road wharf were inspected and orders given as to various repairs, of which the surveyor took a list. Several other matters were discussed with Mr Peyton who applied for an increase of salary in consequence of the extra tickets he now had to take and he was promised that this should have the consideration of the Committee. The sub-committee went to Framilode, viewed the property there and it was decided that it would be best to adhere to the decision of the committee to pull down the two old cottages, but as it appeared that the notices to Rowles and Hamer were invalid it seems necessary that new notices should be served upon them.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday September 19^th 1872
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr W W Kearsey, Mr Halliwell, Mr S Phipps, Mr Thornton, Mr Croome, Mr J T Fisher.
[8] 2,. Resolved that Mr M N Peyton be advanced 1/- per week, making 16/- per week commencing the 29^th September 1872.
[25] 3. Ordered that notice be given to Mrs A Cottle on the 29^th September to leave the Cottage, now occupied by her at Dudbridge. on the 25^th December next, and that the Clerk see Mr Cottle in reference to her taking the adjoining house at £5 per annum. William Clarke Labourer to move into the Cottage now in the possession of Mrs Cottle.
[46] 1. The sub-committee appointed to inspect the Canal reported that they did so on the 29^th ult looking over the Stores and finding that same in good order, visiting he works in progress during the stoppage, with which the expressed themselves satisfied. The houses of the Co at the Bristol Road Wharf were inspected and orders given as to various repairs, of which the Surveyor took a list. Several other maters were discussed with Mr Peyton who applied for an increase of Salary in consequence of the extra number of tickets he now had to take and he was promised that this should have the consideration of the Committee. The sub-committee then went on to Framilode viewed the property there and it was decided that it would be best to adhere to the decision of the Committee to pull down the 2 old Cottages, but as it appeared that the notices to Rowles and Hamer were invalid it seems necessary that new notices should be served on them.
Bills ordered to be paid:
Thomas Webb Timber: 0..10..9
H Berry Ironmonger: 0..4..9
W^m J Snape Incidentals: 1.19..7
Fallows Removing to Eastington: 4..0..0
Mr Partridge ¼ years pension: 12..10..0
W J Snape ¼ years Salary: 30..0..0
M N Peyton ¼ years Salary: 9..15..0
W W Kearsey Law Expenses: 7..10..0
W^m Coley Auditors charges: 7..17..6
J Elliott Stationery: 12..0..0
[Total] £86..10..7

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