Minutes Thu 21 Nov 1872

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Thu 21 Nov 1872


A letter from Mr E B Little was read on behalf of the Stratford Flour Mill Co refusing to pay the account due for tonnage; the matter was referred to Mr Kearsey.
The question of Ford Brothers account was again brought forward. Clerk directed to see them and make some arrangement with them regarding the tonnage on their goods.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge at 12,o,clock on Thursday November 21^st 1872
Present: Mr Beard Chairman, Mr Halliwell, Mr Croome, Mr Phipps, Mr Marling, Mr J T Fisher.
[38] A Letter from M^r E C Little was read (on behalf of the Stratford Flour Mill Co) refusing to pay the a/c due for tonnage -- and the Clerk was directed to refer the matter to Mr Kearsey giving him the particulars.
[8] The question of Ford Brothers a/c was again brought forward. The Clerk was directed to see them, and make some arrangement with them respecting the tonnage on their goods, and report at the next meeting.
Bills to be paid:
Poor Rate Cottage at Framilode: 1..3½
Poor Rate Cottage T Lewis Framilode: 8..6
Poor Rate Dock Eastington: 11..3
Poor Rate House Eastington: 12..0
Poor Rate 2 Cottages Framilode: 8..6
Poor Rate House Eastington: 12..0
Poor Rate Cottage Framilode: 1..3½
Poor Rate Dock Eastington: 11..3
Poor Rate Lewis Cottage Framilode: 8..6
Poor Rate 2 Cottages Framilode: 8..6
Tithe Chage Rev^d Peters: 5..5..6
Lighting Dudbridge Foot bridge, Mr Heelas: 5..0..0
Donation Mrs Peyton ¼ yrs Salary: 30..0..0
[Total] £44..8..7

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