Minutes Thu 19 Dec 1872

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Thu 19 Dec 1872


Edolphe Andrews Uthwatt claimed share no.133, will of Francis Sedgwick Thornton.
The matter of Messrs Ford’s account was again entered upon and whilst the Committee consider the resolution of the 16 March 1869 not to have been abrogated, but to be still existing, they are not inclined to open accounts with Messrs Ford Bros which have been settled although they appear to have been made out incorrectly by mistake . They directed the Clerk to send Messrs Ford a copy of the resolution before referred to and of this resolution.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge at 12,o,clock on Thursday December 19^th 1872
Present: G H A Beard Chairman, W W Kearsey, C H Fisher, J T Fisher, Sam^; Phipps, Mr Croome.
[32] Mr Samuel Phipps, Solicitor Cains Cross, attended on behalf of and under a written authority from Edlophe Andrews Uthwatt of the Lealands, in the parish of Minchen Frampton, in the County of Gloucester, Surgeon, sole Executor of the will of the late Francis Sedgwick Thornton, late of the Lealands aforesaid Gentleman, deceased (who died on the twenty third day of October 1873*) and whose will was proved by the said Edolphe Andrews Uthwatt in the District Registry of Her Majesty's Court of Probate in Gloucester on the 14^th day of November 1872, and made out the claim of the said Edolphe Andrews Uthwatt to share number 133 of the undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to, and now standing in the name of the said Francis Sedgwick Thornton, deceased, by producing the probate of the will of the said Francis Sedgwick Thornton and also producing the original ticket or title to the said share, and the claim was admitted, and a new ticket ordered to be made out accordingly.
[8] The matter of Messrs Ford's a/c was again entered into and whilst the Committee consider the resolution of the 16^th March 1872 not to have been abrogated, but to be still existing, they are not inclined to open the accounts with Messrs Ford Bros which have been settled, though they appear to have been made out incorrectly by mistake. They direct the Clerk to send Messrs Ford a copy of the resolution before referred to and of this resolution.
Bills to be paid:
W^r James Snape ¼ yrs Salary due 25^th Decr 1872: 30..0..0
M N Peyton ¼ yrs Salary due 25^th Decr 1872: 10..8..0
M^r Elliott Stationery: 6..5..5
Messrs Chew & Sons Ironmongery: 8..16..0
M^r W^m Knee Office Coal: 2..15..0
[Total] £58..4..5

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