Minutes Thu 16 Jan 1873

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Thu 16 Jan 1873


Philip Playdell Bouverie claimed share nos.3,31,32,33,34,35,67,74,148,196, wills of Joseph Cripps and Philip Playdell Bouverie.
The resolution of the 24 October 1872 in reference to the subscription to the Cainscross lighting fund having been withdrawn, resolved to pay a subscription of £1 10s p.a.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge at 12,o,clock on Thursday January 16^th 1873
Present: M^r G H A Beard Chairman, M^r J T Fisher, M^r T Marling, M^r C H Fisher, M^r W W Kearsey, M^r T Croome, M^r S Phipps, M^r C Hooper.
[32] M^r William Woodruffe Kearsey of Stroud in the County of Gloucester, Solicitor attended on behalf of and under a written authority from Philip Pleydell Bouverie of No 1 Pall Mall East London Esqr sole Executor of the will of the Honorable Philip Pleydell Bouverie late of Haymarket Loodon, Banker deceased who died on the 23^rd day of May 1872 and whose will dated the 1^st day of March 1866 was proved by the said Executor Philip Pleydell Bouverie in the principal Registry of Her Majestys court of Probate on the 26^th day of June 1872 and made out the Claim of the said Executor Philip Pleydell Bouverie to Ten shares numbered 3, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 67, 74, 111 and 196 in the undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation standing in the joint names of Joseph Cripps of Farmhill near Stroud in the County of Glouceser Esqr and the said Philip Pleydell Bouverie deceased by producing the certificate of the burial of the said Joseph Cripps in the month of October 1859 (whereby the said Philip Pleydell Bouverie deceased became entitled to the said shares as the survivor of hte said Joseph Cripps) the probate of the will of the said Philip Pleydell Bouverie deceased, and the original tickets or title to the said shares, and the Claim was admitted, and new tickets ordered to be made out accordingly.
[36] The Resolution of 24^th October 1872 in reference to the subscription to the Cainscross lighting fund, having been withdrawn, It was Resolved that a subscription of £1..10..0 per annum be given, commencing December 25^th 1872.
Bills to be paid:
N J Gardner Repairs to houses: 7..10..5
Mr Sim's Income tax: 25..0..4
Geo Perry making Lock gates: 15..0..0
N A Partridge ¼ yrs pension: 12;;10..0
[Total] 60..0..9

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