Minutes Thu 24 Apr 1873

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Thu 24 Apr 1873


Mr Butt attended and applied for a reduction in tonnage on wheat to Lodgemore from 1s 3d to 1s. The question was postponed.
In consequence of the surveyor reporting favourably of William Clark’s attention to his duties it was resolved that his wages should be advanced 1s per week, making 16s per week.
Copy of letter from Mr Edwin Witehill, Clerk to the Stroud local board, in reference to laying sewage pipes under the canal near the Stroud Gas works.
‘Dear Sir, The Board of Health are about to lay down sewerage pipes from Pakenhill to the Tanks and will have to cross the canal just above the bridge at the gasworks. I am desired to apply to the Company for permission to make the crossing in question. The sewer will be a 12 inch iron pipe and will be laid below the bottom of the canal so that no obstruction to the navigation can arise. It is proposed to do the work when the water is let out of the canal for repairs. ‘
Permission given upon the conditions that there be no obstructions or damage to the navigation in laying the pipe, or otherwise and that all works be done as to time, manner and in all respects altogether to the satisfaction and approval of the Company’s surveyor and that so long as the permission is continued the Board of Health pay for the same at the rate of £1 p.a.
Mr Croome to build a brick or stone bridge (of such a width as they shall see fit) across the canal at Dudbridge in lieu of Hill Orchard swing bridge, providing they obtain the proper order of quarter sessions to divert the Hilly Orchard footway, if the bridge be not in the same position as at present and provided the bridge be built to the satisfaction of the surveyor of the Company. The bridge when completed to be kept in repair by this Company except as to the metalling of the road over the same, which shall be repaired by the promoters. Sufficient opportunity to be given to stoppages for putting in and building foundations and buttresses of the new bridge up to the waterline at such time as shall be convenient for other works proposed to be done at the same time.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge at 12,o,clock on Thursday the 24^th day of April 1873
Present: Mr Beard Chairman, Mr Hallewell, Mr Phipps, Mr T Marling, Mr Croome, Mr J T Fisher, Mr Kearney, Mr C H Fisher.
The various accounts, books & vouchers signed by Mr Coley the Auditor & certified to be correct were produced examined and passed.
The Treasurers book was produced examined and signed.
[38] Mr Butt attended and applied for a reduction of tonnage on wheat to Lodgemore from 1/3 to 1/- per ton. The question was postponed.
[42] In consequence of the Surveyors reporting favourably of W^m Clarks attention to his duties it was resolved that he should be advanced 1/- per week, making 16/- per week from the 26^th April 1873.
Copy or Letter from Mr Edwin Witehill, Clerk to the Stroud Local Board, in reference to laying sewage pipes under the Canal near Stroud Gas Works:
Dr Sir
The Board of Health are about to lay down sewage pipes from Pakenhill to the Tanks and will have to Cross the Canal just above the bridge at the Gas Works. I am desired to apply to the Co for permission to make the Crossing in question.
The Sewer will be a 12" iron pipe and will be laid below the bottom of the Canal so that no obstruction of the Navigation can arise. It is proposed to do the work when the water is let out of the Canal for repairs. Will you oblige me by submitting the matter to the Directors.
Yours Obalty,
Edwin Witehill, Clerk
The Secretary to the Stroudwater Navigation
Resolved that the permission be given upon the Conditions that there be no obstruction or damage to the Navigation in laying the pipe, or otherwise, and that all the works be done as to time, manner and in all respects, altogether to the satisfaction of the Company's Surveyor, and that so long as he permission is continues, the Board of Health pay for the same at the rate of £1 per annum.
[7] Resolved that Mr Croome and others associated with him be at liberty to build a brick or Stone Bridge (of such a width as they shall see fit) across the Canal at Dudbridge in lieu of the Hilly Orchard swing bridge, providing they obtain the proper order of Quarter Sessions to direct the Hilly Orchard footway, if the bridge be not in the same position as at present and provided the bridge be built to the satisfaction of the Surveyor of the Company. The bridge when completed to be kept in repair by this Company, except as to the metalling of the road over the same, which shall be repaired by the promoters, sufficient opportunity to be given by Stoppage & for putting in and building foundations and buttresses of the new bridge, up to the water line, at such time as shall be convenient for other works proposed to be done at the same time.
Bill ordered to be paid:
Messrs Monger & Stout Ironmongery, etc: £13..15..7

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