Minutes Thu 15 Jan 1874

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Thu 15 Jan 1874


The demise for Dudbridge wharf was produced with the Company’s Seal.
Clerk reported that there were a number of barge owners who had not complied with the order to have their names put on their vessels. Clerk to write to them stating that the order must be carried out by the 1 February or a fine of £5 will be enforced.
The Surveyor reported John Lawrence, captain of the ‘Peel’, for refusing to remove his barge into a place pointed out by the Foreman so as to enable the trade to work. In consequence of his not doing so the trade was stopped from 2.30pm on Saturday 6 December 1873 until Monday morning the 8 December. Ordered that he be fined 5s or the full penalty will be enforced.
Surveyor reported George Butt, captain of the ‘Exchange’ (belonging to T Butt & Son Stroud), for having on the 31 December 1873 wilfully pulled open the outside top gate at Blunder Lock and also for running into the bottom gates and wasting a lock of water. To pay a fine of 5s or the full penalty of £5 will be enforced.
Messrs Davis & Sons and Mr John French applied for permission to use the Company’s Railway sidings at Stonehouse for traffic which cannot be carried by them on the canal, Company granted permission during pleasure, on the payment of 3d per ton for every ton of goods brought upon the siding.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 15^th day of January 1874, at 12,o,clock (noon)
Present: M^r G H A Beard Chairman, M^r S Phipps, M^r J T Fisher, M^r E C Little, M^r T M Croome, M^r W W Kearney, Major C H Fisher.
[35] The demise for Dudbridge Wharf was produced with the Company's Seal affixed thereto as per Resolution of 18^th Dec 1873.
[18] The Clerk reported that there were a number of Barge owners who had not complied with the order to have their names, etc, put on their vessels. Ordered that the Clerk write them stating that the order must be carried out by the 1^st day of February, or the fine of £5 will be enforced.
[33] The Surveyor reported John Lawrence Captain of the "Peel" (belonging to Mr A Field) for refusing to remove his Barge into a place pointed out to him by the Foreman so as to enable the trade to work. In consequence of his not doing so the trade was stopped from 2.30 pm on Saturday the 6^th December 1873 until Monday Morning the 8^th December. Ordered that he be fined 5/- or the full penalty will be enforced.
[33] The Surveyor reported George Butt Captain of the "Exchange" (belonging to J Butt & Low Stroud) for having on 31^st December 1873 Willfully pulled open the outside top gate at Blunder lock, and also for running into the Bottom gates and wasting a lock of water.
Ordered that he pay a fine of 5/- or the full penalty of £5 will be enforced.
[44] Messrs Davis & Sons and Mr John French having applied for permission to use the Company's Railway siding at Stonehouse for traffic which cannot be carried by them o the Canal; and this Company being desirous of accommodating their customers on the Canal in this respect, so far as they can do so without decreasing any traffic which could belong to the Canal, have Resolved to grant permission during pleasure, on the payment of 3^d per ton for every ton of goods brought thereon to be made every month, and the bills of lading to be produced in verification by the parties using the siding.
Bills to be paid: £ s d
Mr A James Repairs: 4..17..10
Mr A James Repairs: 4..6..0
Mr W Knee Coal: 3..12..6
Mr Eastcourt Income tax: 19..0..11
[Total] £31..17..3

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