Minutes Thu 19 Feb 1874

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Thu 19 Feb 1874


Charles Hawkins Fisher and Reverend Frederick Colborne Fisher claimed share nos.41,91,116, will of Paul Hawkins Fisher.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Walbridge on Thursday the 19^th day of February 1874 @ 12,o,clock (noon)
Present: M^r G H A Beard Chairman, M^r S Phipps, M^r T Marling, M^r E C Little, M^r C H Hooper, M^r J T Fisher.
[32] Joseph Turnbull Fisher of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Gentleman, attended on behalf of Charles Hawkins Fisher of the same place Esquire, and the Reverend Frederic Colborne Fisher of Walton on Trent in the County of Derby Clerk in Holy Orders, joint Executors under the will of Paul Hawkins Fisher late of Stroud aforesaid Gentleman deceased, and made out their claim to 3 shares numbered respectively 46 91 and 116 of the undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation, and now standing in the name of the said Paul Hawkins Fisher in the Books of the said Company of Proprietors by producing the Probate of the Will of the said Paul Hawkins Fisher deceased bearing date the Fourth day of December 1869, with 2 Codicils thereto, bearing date respectively the 11^th day of July 1871 and the 7^th day of June 1873 and proved in the District Registry of Her Majestys Court of Probate at Gloucester on the 29^th day of October 1873, and also by producing the Tickets or Titles to the said Shares, and the claim was admitted accordingly, and new Tickets ordered to be made out.

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