Minutes Thu 21 May 1874

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Thu 21 May 1874


The question of Mr Chandler washing sheep in the Stonehouse Ocean was brought before the Committee and as he gives some facilities for landing coals and other goods on his land near the swing bridge it was resolved that he should have the privilege of washing his sheep in the canal during the pleasure of the Committee.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 21^st day of May 1874, at 3.o.clock pm
Present: M^r T M Croome Chairman, Mr S Phipps, Mr E C Little, Mr J T Fisher, Mr C H Hooper.
It was Resolved unanimously that Mr Beard be the Chairman for the ensuing year.
[7] The question of M^r Chandler washing sheep in the Stonehouse Ocean was brought before the Committee, and as he gives some facilities for landing coals and other goods on his land near the Swing Bridge it was resolved that he should have the privilege of washing his sheep in the Canal during the pleasure of the Committee.
[33] A Copy of the Petition to which the Seal of the Company has been affixed pursuant to the Resolution of the last Committee Meeting was produced and read.

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