Thu 18 Jun 1874
Mr Matthews, farmer, of Nuphend Lane, given permission to wash sheep in the canal, a charge of 5s per annum to be made commencing June 24 1874.
Mr Grimes given permission to take water out of the canal at Stonehouse, a charge of 1s per annum to be made commencing 24 June 1874.
It was reported by the Clerk that Alfred Meadows drew off water out of Dudbridge short pound on 25 May. Fined 10s or a summons to be taken out against him and the full penalty enforced.
The annual stoppage take place from the 18 to 25 July 1874.
Clerk reported that Mr Vines of Stanley Park Farm washed sheep in the canal. Ordered that he pay the usual charge of 5s per annum or discontinue washing his sheep in the canal.
Clerk reported that Thomas Dangerfield, captain of the ‘Rose Ann’ belonging to Mr R. Williams, did on the 1 June give a declaration that he had 12 tons of old mortar on board from Ebley, afterwards admitting that he had 25 tons on board. To pay a sum of 10s or a summons to be taken out and the full penalty enforced.
Clerk submitted a memorial from barge owners, traders and others as to the state of the T&S Canal and was ordered to send the same to the Thames & Severn Canal Co’s clerk in London, requesting him to place it before his board and desiring them to take action in the matter.
£5 per annum to be added to the Clerk’s salary in acknowledgement of the efficient manner in which he has fulfilled the duties of his office.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 18^th day of June 1874 at 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr S Phipps, Mr C H Hooper, Mr J T Fisher, Mr E C Little, Mr T Marling, Mr W W Kearsey, Mr T M Croome.
[30] Resolved that Mr Matthews Farmer Nuphend Lane permission to wash sheep in the Canal, a charge of 5/- per annum to be made commencing June 34^th 1874.
[30] Resolbed that Mr Grimes have permission to take water out of the Canal at Stonehouse, a charge of 1/- per annum to be made commencing 24^th June 1874.
[18] It was reported by the Clerk that Alfred Meadows drew off water, out of the Dudbridge short pound on 25^th May.
Ordered that he be fined 10/- or a summons to be taken out against him and the full penalty enforced.
[34] Ordered that the annual Stoppage take place from the 18^th to 25^th July 1874, and that the Clerk give notice of the same.
[30] The Clerk reported that M^r Vines of Stanley park Farm washed sheep in the Canal. Ordered that he pay the usage charge of 5/- per annum or discontinue washing his sheep in the Canal. The Clerk to write to him.
[18] The Clerk reported that Thomas Dangerfield Captain of the "Rose Ann" belonging to Mr R Williams, did on the first of June 1874 give a declaration that he had 12 tons of old waste on board from Ebley, afterwards admitting that he had 25 tons of Board, ordered that he pay the sum of 10/- or a summons taken out, and the full penalty enforced.
[37] The Clerk submitted a Memorial from Barge owners, Traders and others as to the state of the Thames and Severn Canal, and was ordered to send the same to the Thames and Severn Canal Company Clerk in London, requesting him to place it before his board and desiring him to take action in the matter.
[8] Resolved that £5 per annum be added to the Clerk's Salary in acknowledgement of the efficient manner in which he has fulfilled the duties of his office.
Bills to be paid: £ s d
W^m James Snap Salary ¼ year: 30..0..0
M N Peyton Salary ¼ year: 10..8..0
N A Partridge pension ¼ year: 12..10..0
[Total] £52..18..0