Minutes Thu 16 Jul 1874

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Thu 16 Jul 1874


C H Hooper allowed to take water from the canal at Stonehouse for practice fire engine to be included in the amount of £2 10s already paid by him (p.a. for having a small boat on the canal) to carry goods from Midland Railway to Bond’s Mill.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 16^th July 1874 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: M^r T M Croome Chairman, M^r S Phipps, M^r E C Little, M^r C H Hooper, M^r J T Fisher, M^r T Marling.
[30] Resolved that Mr C H Hooper have permission to take water from the Canal at Stonehouse for practice with the fire engine. to be included in the amount to £2..10..0 already paid by him (per annum for having a small boat on the Canal) to carry goods from Midland Railway to Bonds Mill.
Bills to be paid: £ s d
Messrs Apperley & Co Castings: 10..18..3
M^r Amos Field Haulage of stones: 11..3..0
Messrs Sessions & Co Coping bricks: 5..6..3
M^r W^m Knee Senr Bricks: 15..0..0
C H Hooper Esqr Rent of Cottage: 5..5..0
[Total] £47..12..6

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