Minutes Thu 17 Sep 1874

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Thu 17 Sep 1874


Harriet Jane Brittan, Alfred Brittan and Rev. Charles Brittan claimed share no.164, will of Alfred Brittan.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 17^th day of September 1874 at 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr T Marling, Mr J T Fisher, Mr S Phipps, Mr E C Little.
[45] Ordered that the next Committee Meeting be held on Thursday the 22^nd day of October 1874 at 3,o,clock pm and the half yearly meeting at 4.o.clock pm on the same day and that the same be advertised.
[32] M^r WIlliam James Snape of Stroud in the County of Gloucester, Clerk to the Stroudwater Navigation attended on behalf of and under a written authorit from Mrs Harriet Jane Brittan, of Widcombe Villa, Richmond Hill Clifton, Widow, Alfred Brittan of the City of Bristol, Solicitor, and the Rev^d Charles Brittan of the City of Bristol, Clerk, Executors of the Will of the late William Brittan, late of the City of Bristol Gentleman deceased who died on the seventh day of April 1874 and whose will was proved by the said Harriet Jane Brittan, Alfred Brittan, and the Rev^d Charles Brittan in the District Registry attached to her Majestys Court of Probate at Bristol on the 29^h day of April 1874, and made out the claim of the said Harriet Jane Brittan, Alfred Brittan and the Rev^d Charles Brittan to share no 164 of the undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to, and now standing in the name of the said William Brittan, deceased, by producing the probate of the will of the said William Brittan, and also producing the original ticket or title to the said share, and the claim was admitted and a new ticket ordered to be made out accordingly.
Bills to be paid: £ s d
W J Snape ¼ yrs Salary: 31..5..0
M N Peyton ¼ yrs Salary: 10..8..0
W W Kearsey ½ yrs Salary: 7..10..0
W Coley ½ yrs Salary: 7..17..6
[Total] £57..0..6

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