Thu 16 Sep 1875
The salary of Mr Snape, Clerk and Surveyor of the Company, be raised to £150 p.a. from the 24 June last.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 16^th day of September 18745 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: M^r G H A Beard Chairman, M^r J T Stanton, M^R S Phipps, M^r W W Kearsey. M^r J T Fisher, M^r T M Croome, M^r J Marling.
[8] Resolved that the Salary of Mr Snape the Clerk and Surveyor of the Company be raised to £150 per annum from the 14^th day of June last, the Committee desiring to shew the appreciation of his services as evinced by the state of the Canal and General efficient management of the business.
Cheques drawn:
Messrs Price & Co: 37,,18,,10
W J Snape: 37..10..0
W Coley: 7..17..6
W W Kearsey: 7..10..0
M N Peyton: 10..8..0
J Elliott: 13,,13..3
[Total] £114..17..7