Thu 20 Jul 1876
Seal to be affixed to an agreement between the Company, Mr T Clark of Chalford and Mr Z Whiting of Eastington respecting the transfer of tenancy of the house and wharf at Eastington.
Mr Kearsey to take proceedings advisable to effectuate the judgement debt due from the Stonehouse and Nailsworth Railway Company.
A letter from received Mr J. H. Taunton acknowledging the receipt of copy of resolution passed at the last meeting and stated that the same will be placed before his Board.
Clerk stated that Joseph Hewer had paid his fine.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 20^th July 1876 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr J T Stanton, Mr J T Fisher, Mr C H Hooper, Mr T Marling, Mr S Phipps, M^r T M Croome, Major Fisher, Mr W W Kearsey.
[33] Resolved that the seal of the Company be affixed by Mr G H A Beard the Chairman, to the agreement between the Company,. Mr T Clark of Chalford and Mr Z Whiting of Eastington respecting the transfer of Tenancy of the house Wharf, etc, at Eastington from Mr Z Whiting to Mr T Clark.
[45] Proposed by Mr Beard, seconded by Mr J T Stanton and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be adopted:
[1] Mr W W Kearsey the Solicitor of this Company produced the opinion of Mr Pearson QC as to the proceeding advisable to be taken by this Company to effectuate the judgement debt due from the Stonehouse and Nailsworth Railway Company to them.
Resolved, That such proceedings be taken in the matter as have been advised, and may hereafter be advised by Counsel.
[37] A letter received from Mr J H Taunton, was produced and read, acknowledging the receipt of Copy of Resolution (passed at the last Meeting) and stating that the same should be placed before his Board at their next Meeting.
[18] The Clerk stated that Joseph Hewer had paid his fine of 5/- as per Resolution passed at last meeting.
[36] The Clerk produced a letter received from the Stroud Gas Company, stating that the matter respecting the charges made by this Company for water from the Canal, etc, should be placed before their next Meeting.
[30] The Clerk reported that Mr E Witchell had stated that the matter respecting the renting of a pen at Wallbridge should have attention at their next meeting.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Trotter Thomas & Co "Stone": 6..6..0
Messrs Hill & Son "Ironmongery": 5..5..7
N A Pearce "Bricks": 5..13..3
C H Hooper "Rent": 5..5..0
[Total] £22..9..10