Minutes Thu 26 Oct 1876

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Thu 26 Oct 1876


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £1584 15s. After wages, etc, profit £795 16s 7d. Dividend of £3 10s declared.
The byelaws under the Explosives Acts 1875* forwarded by the Board of Trade to be advertised pursuant to the direction of the Board, and that such Byelaws be made and the seal of the Company affixed thereto.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at Wallbridge on Thursday teh 26^th day of October 1876 @ 4,o,clock pm
Chairman: Frederick Eycott Esq.
The Minutes of the Committee since the last General assembly were read, approved and confirmed.
[1] It appears that the sum of £1584..15..10 has been received from the 1^st day of April 1876 to the 1^st day of October 1876, and a balance brought forward from last half year (after payment of Dividend) of £35,,6,,0 making a total of £1620..1..10 of which sum £824..5..3 has been applied towards the payment of wages disbursements, etc, and there remains in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of £795..16..7 available for Dividend.
Ordered that a Dividend of £3..10..0 on each share be declared payable on the 1^s day of November next free of Income tax.
[5] Ordered that the Bye Laws under the explosives act 1875 forwarded by the Board of Trade be advertised persuant to the directions of the Board and that such Bye Laws be made, and the same are hereby made, and the seal of the Company was ordered to be affixed thereto.


* Details of the regulations for the carrying of explosives can be found https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/file/11/1876-explosives-regulations/.

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