Minutes Thu 25 Oct 1877

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Thu 25 Oct 1877


Chairman inspected the canal from Wallbridge to Stonehouse on the 8 September and the chairman Mr C H Hooper, Mr J T Stanton and Mr Marling from Stonehouse to Framilode on the 11 September. They found the canal in good order.
Seal of the Company to be affixed to the deed of conveyance (in duplicate) to the Company now produced of the Toll House and premises at Eastington from the Trustees of the Cainscross Division of roads; and that the purchase money of £20 and Mr Spires bill relative to the conveyance amounting to £4 9s 9d be paid by the Company.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 25^th day of October 1877 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr Croome, Mr E C Little, Mr J T Stanton, Mr J T Fisher, Mr C H Hooper, Mr S Phipps, Mr T Marling.
The various accounts, books and vouchers signed by Mr F Sturge the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced examined and passed.
The Treasurer book was produced examined and signed.
[43] The Chairman inspected the Canal from Wallbridge to Stonehouse on the 8^th September, and the Chairman, Mr C H Hooper, Mr J T Stanton and Mr T Marling from Stonehouse to Framiload on the 11^th September. Found the anal in good order.
[32] Resolved that the seal of the Company be affixed to the deed of conveyance (in duplicate) to the Company now produced to the Toll House and premises at Eastington from the Trustees of the Cainscross Division of Roads; and that the purchase money of £20 and Mr Spires Bill, relative to the conveyance amounting to £4..9..9 be paid by the Company.
Cheques drawn on Canal a/c: £ s d
Mr Sturge: 5..5..0
G&B Canal C^o: 10..18..9
W J Snape "Wages": 30..0..0
Webb & Spring: 34..3..7
G Spire: 4..9..9
Cainscross Division of Roads: 20..0..0
[Total] £104..17..1.
Cheque drawn on Judgement debt:
Harper Bros: £35..0..0

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