Thu 21 Feb 1878
William Henry Harford and William Henry Miles claimed share nos.23,24,25,27,28,29,30,95, will of William Henry Harford.
Mr Taunton applied for a reduction of the 1s tonnage on goods delivered on the Stroudwater Canal. Not agreed.
It was agreed that the Company’s Seal be affixed to the new lease to Butt & Skurray for their use of the additional floor of the warehouse at Wallbridge.
Clerk instructed to reply to the letter from Colonel J S Trener RE that the only place for registration of boats under the Canal Boats Act 1877 was Stroud.
As Walk Bridge was out of repair, and no definite understanding between the Company and the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co following repair by them in 1869, Clerk instructed to come to an arrangement with Mr Clegram.
Mr Marling reported that the Board of Trade had been asked to appoint an engineer to examine the effect of the deposit of stone around the piers of the Severn Railway Bridge and Clerk instructed to attend a meeting in Gloucester on this topic and to take notes but not to interfere.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 21^st day of February 1878 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr J T Stanton, Mr E C Little, Mr J T Fisher, Mr T Marling, Mr S Phipps, Mr T M Croome, Major Fisher.
[33] Mr William James Snape of Wallbridge nr Stroud Clerk to the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation attended on behalf of and under a written authority from William Henry Hanford of the Old Bank Bristol, and William Henry Miles of the Old Bank Bristol being executors named in the Codicil of the Will of the late William Henry Hanford late of Barley Wood in the Parish of Wrington in the County of Somerset (who died on the 26th day of September 1877) and made out their claim to eight shares numbered 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 95 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said William Henry Hanford deceased in the Books of the said Company of Proprietors by producing the Probate of the Will of the said William Henry Hanford deceased bearing date the 14^th day of December 1867 and codicil bearing date the 30^th day of May 1872 and proved in the District Registry attached to the Probate Division of Her Majestys High Court of Justice at Bristol on the 26^th day of November 1877. Also by producing a declaration made by the said executors (William Henry Hanford) and William Miles, to the effect that four of the said share certificates numbered 27, 28, 29 and 30 had been lost. A letter of Indemnity was also given by the said William Henry Hanford freeing the Company from any loss.
And the Claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets ordered to be made out.
[38] Mr Taunton applied for a reduction of the 1/- tonnage on Goods delivered on the Stroudwater Canal. The matter was considered and the Clerk was instructed to write and state that none could be made.
[30] Messrs Butt & Skurray having agreed with the Company to take an additional floor of the Warehouse at Wallbridge have not been executed the former demise to them and the same has become useless.
Resolved that the Company's seal be affixed to the demise to them now produce and which has already been executed by Messrs Butt & Skurray.
[50] The Clerk produced a letter from Colonel J S Trener R E respecting the place for the registration of Boats under the Canal Boats Act of 1877, and he was directed to reply stating that Stroud was the only place suitable for the registration.
[4] The Clerk read a report received from the Foreman stating that the Walk Swing Bridge was very much out of repair and that a new one would very soon be required, and as there was not a definite understanding between the Gloucester & Berkley Canal Company (come to when the G&B Co repaired the Bridge in the year 1869) as to the liability of maintaining the same, The Clerk was instructed to see Mr Clegram and come to some arrangement respecting the same.
[4] Obstruction to the Navigation of the River Severn in consequence of the Severn Bridge Railway Company throwing in stone round the piers of the New Bridge.
Mr Thomas Marling placed before the Committee a report respecting the above, from Mr Keeling Engineer and Mr Clegram stating that they had attended a Meeting of the River Seven Commissioners at Worcester on the 9^th February last when the matter was fully discussed and it was arranged that the Severn Commissioners and the Severn Bridge Railway should request the Board of Trade to appoint an Engineer to examine into and report upon the effect of this deposit of Stone upon the Navigation of the River.
A circular having been received from Mr Taunton stating that a meeting of Barge owners and others would be held at Gloucester at 12.30 on Saturday the 23^rd inst at the "Star Inn" Quay to consider what course to take respecting the Severn Bridge question.
The Clerk was instructed to attend the Meeting and take notes of the proceedings, but not in any way officially to interfere.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
W J Gardner: 17..4..0
Harper Brothers: 12..13..11
Joseph Wood: 7..2..6
[Total] £37..0..5