Minutes Thu 25 Apr 1878

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Thu 25 Apr 1878


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1877 £1691 8s 11d. After wages, etc, profit £810 1s 5d. Dividend of £4 declared.
The question re repair of highways over bridges to be left to the Opinion of Counsel at the joint expense of the Wheatenhurst Highway Board and this Company.
Seal of the Company be affixed to the contract for £180 for the building of the dwelling house, etc, at Eastington, and the cost of grates, after the contract, plans and specifications have been signed by Harper Brothers.

Verbatim text

At a General Half yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 25^th day of April 1878 @ 4.o.clock pm
C H Stanton Esq Chairman.
The minutes of the Committee since the last General assembly were approved and confirmed.
[1] It appears that the sum of £1691..8..11 has been received from the 1^st day of October 1877 to the 1^st day of April 1878 and a balance brought forward from the last Half year (after payment of dividend) of £59..17..0 making a total of £1751..5..11 of which sum £941..4..6 has been applied towards payment of wages disbursements, etc, and there remains in the hands of the Treasurer £810..1..5 available for Dividend.
Ordered that a Dividend of £4..0..0 on each share be declared payable on the 1^st day of May next free of Income tax.
The sum of £998..4..1 the balance of £1019..14..1 in Bank on the 25^th October 1877 on a/c of the Stonehouse and Nailsworth Railway Cos Judgement debt remains in the hands of the Treasurer; the sum of £35..0..0 having been expended there from as per a/c in the Cash Book.
[9] Resolved that the following gentlemen form the Committee for the year next following or until another Committee shall be appointed:
Mr G H A Beard, Mr T Marling, Major Fisher, Mr J T Stanton, Mr S Phipps, Mr C H Hooper, Mr J T Fisher, Mr E C Little, Mr T M Croome, Mr W J Stanton, Mr W W Kearsey.
[4] Resolved that the question as to the repair of the Highways over the Bridges, now pending between this Company and the Wheatenhurst Highway Board be lest to the opinion of Counsel as proposed by Mr Vizard at the joint expense of the Wheatenhurst Highway Board & this Company.
[10] Resolved that Messrs Harpers Contract for building a dwelling House, etc, at Easington for £180; & the cost of grates be accepted and that the seal of the Company be affixed to the Contract now produced after Messrs Hooper have signed it and also the plans & Specifications.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Messrs Chew & Sons: 35..16..7
Mr F Sturge: 5..5..0
[Total] £41..1..7

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