Thu 21 Nov 1878
Messrs Harper Brothers to have the use of a pen on Wallbridge Wharf on quarterly payments, subject to three months’ notice in writing on either side.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 21^st day of November 1878 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr T M Croome Chairman, Mr J T Stanton, Mr T Marling, Mr S Phipps, Mr E C Little, Mr J T Fisher.
[51] Messrs Harper Brothers applied for permission to use a pen on Wallbridge Wharf.
Resolved that Messrs Harper Bros have the use of the pen, upon payment of 12/6 quarterly the 1^st payment to be made on the 25^th day of March 1879. Subject to three months notice in writing from either side.
Cheques drawn:
F Sturge: 5..5..0
W Clissold: 10..10..0
W J Gardner: 9..8..0
[Total] £25..3..0