Thu 19 Dec 1878
Company’s seal to be affixed to the demise of a cottage at Framilode to Mr Henry Pegler. Mr Kearsey’s bill of costs to be considered in committee at a meeting at which Mr Croome is present.
Mr Kearsey to get the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Bill, the Dudbridge & Stroud Railway Bill and the Thames & Severn Canal Company’s Bill and, if necessary, to call a Special Meeting to consider the same.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 19^th day of December 1878 @ 3.o.clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr C H Hooper, Mr J T Fisher, Mr S Phipps, Major Fisher, Mr T Marling, Mr T M Croome.
[51] The Clerk produced a letter from Messrs Harper Brothers agreeing to take the pen on Wallbridge Wharf on the terms of the Resolution passed on 21^st November last.
[51] The Clerk produced a demise of a Cottage at Framilode between this Company and Mr Henry Pegler, and the Company's Seal was ordered affixed thereto.
Mr Kearsey's Bill of Costs:
[34] The Committee feel the difficulty on their own behalf as well as on that of Mr Kearseys of referring the bill of one Solicitor to another, and therefore think it would be better to consider the bill in Committee at a Meeting at which Mr Croome is present.
[34] The Committee wish Mr Kearsey to get the Gloucester & Berkley Canal Bill, the Dudbridge & Stroud Railway Bill and the Thames & Severn Canal Companys Bill, and if necessary to call a Special Meeting to consider the same.
Cheques drawn:
W^m James Snape: 37..10..0
M N Peyton: 10..8..0
Vizard & Co: 5..9..7
F Evans: 67..0..0
[Total] £102..7..7