Minutes Thu 20 Jan 1881

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Thu 20 Jan 1881


Mr Mills to write to Mr Vizard on the question of the Tithe charges for Eastington Parish.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 20^th day of January 1881 @ 3.o.clock pm
Present: Mr J T Stanton Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr J Howard, Mr E C Little, Major Fisher.
[41] The question of the Tithe charge for Eastington Parish was discussed, and Mr Mills was requested to write to Mr Vizard, for particulars of the same. The cheque of £5..7..1 drawn today to be kept back until Mr Vizards reply has been received.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
John Butt: 9..0..6
Walter Smart: 35..2..7
F M Morgan: 59..6..5
[Total] £103..9..6

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