Minutes Tue 25 Oct 1881

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Tue 25 Oct 1881


Robert Townsend Hippisley and James Hughes claimed share nos.181,182,183, will of George James Luke Noble.
Mr Croome to search amongst Mr Harris’ papers in respect of Mr Winterbotham’s request not to demand the increased payment from the Stroud Gas Light and Coke Company.
Clerk to inform Messrs Ford Bros that they cannot agree to their requested reduction in tonnage.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 25^th day of October 1881 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr J T Stanton, Mr H H Mills, Mr C H Hooper, Mr W H Marling, Mr Gyde.
The various accounts, books and vouchers signed by Mr Sturge the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
The Treasurers Book was produced examined and signed by the Chairman.
[32] Thomas Myers Croome of Cainscross in the County of Gloucester, Gentleman attended on behalf of and under a written Authority from Robert Townsend Hippisley of the City of Bristol Gentleman and James Hughes formerly the younger late of No 1 Bedford Row in the County of Middlesex but now of No 33 Mark Lane Gentleman, executors of he Will of George James Luke Noble late of nymber 9 Lydney place Bath in the County of Somerset Esquire deceased who died on the 16^th day of July 1881 at No 9 Lydney Place aforesaid, and made out their claim to three shares numbered respectively 181, 182 and 183 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation now standing in the name of the said George James Luke Noble & James Padmore Noble previously deceased in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the said Navigation by producing the title to the said shares and the probate of the Wil of the said George James Luke Noble deceased, the will bearing date the 19^th day of March 1873, and was proved in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majestys High Court of Justice on the 26^th day of August 1881, and the claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets ordered to made out of the tickets or titles of the said George James Luke Noble and James Padmore Noble being delivered up and on evidence being produced of the death of the said James Padmore Noble in the lifetime of the said George James Luke Noble on the 23rd day of July 1876.
[36] Mr Winterbotham attended on behalf of the Stroud Gas Light and Coke Company with respect to the claim made by this Company of £5 per mile for gas pipes laid down in this Co's Towing path, and urged various reasons why the claim should not be insisted upon, and the question was adjourned for Mr Croome to make Search among Mr Harris' papers.
[38] With respect to the application by Messrs Ford Brothers at the last meeting asking for a reduction of tonnage on grain & flour to and from Ryeford Mills, The matter was discussed and it was Resolved that the Clerk inform Messrs Ford Brothers that the Committee could not see their way clear to make any consession.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
T R & K Eglestaff: 5..19..0
Mr F Sturge: 5..5..0
Mr T M Croome: 7..10..0
[Total] £18..14..0

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