Minutes Tue 20 Dec 1881

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Tue 20 Dec 1881


Meeting be adjourned to the 27 December.
Robert Pearce, captain of the boat William, fined 10s in each instance of wasting water at the Double Locks on the 7 and 9 December, and be summonsed in default of payment.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of December 1881 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr C H Hooper, Mr J Howard, Mr T M Croome, Mr J T Stanton, Mr E F Gyde, Mr E C Little, Major Fisher.
Resolved that this Meeting stand adjourned until the 27^th inst at 3,o,clock pm.
[18] The Clerk reported that Robert Pearce Captain of boat "William" for wasting water, etc, at the Double Locks on the 7^th & 9^th insts. Ordered that he be fined 10/- for each case, and in default of payment to be summoned.
Cheques drawn:
Mr Jas Libby "Stroud Hospital": 2..2..0
W^m James Snape: 37..10..0
M N Peyton: 10..8..0
H Fallows: 19..10..0
[Total] £69..10..0

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