Minutes Tue 24 Oct 1882

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Tue 24 Oct 1882


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £1302 6s 4d. After wages, etc, profit £704 8s 2d. Dividend of £2 10s declared.
From the Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway Company’s Judgement Debt there remains £220.0s.6d including half year’s interest.
The various items signed by Mr F Sturge, the Auditor, and the Treasurer’s book, usually produced and examined by the meeting held earlier in the day, were produced at this meeting, as it would appear the earlier meeting had not taken place.

Verbatim text

At a General Half-yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at their Office at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 24^th day of October 1882
E C Little Esq Chairman.
The minutes of the Committee since the last General Meeting were approved and Confirmed.
[1] It appears that the sum of £1301..6..4 has been received from the 1^st day of April 1882 to the 1^st day of October 1882, and a balance brought forward from last Half-year (after payment of Dividend) of £93,,15,,9 making a total of £1395..2..1 of which sum £690..13..11 has been applied towards the payment of Wages disbursements, etc, (including a sum of £149..6..9 tonnage on Coal paid to the Thames and Severn Canal Company) and there remains in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of £704..8..2 available for Dividend.
[13] Ordered that a Dividend of £2..10..0 on each share be declared payable on the 1^st day of November 1882 free on Income tax carrying forward a balance of £204..8..2 towards meeting the expenses incurred in opposing last Session in Parliament the Thames and Severn Canal (Railway) Bill, and the Midland Railway (Additional Powers) Bill.
The sum of £220..0..6 in the hands of the Treasurer stands in the Credit of the Stonehouse and Nailsworth Railway Companys 'Judgement debt' being £217..0..6 in the Bank on the 25^th day of December 1881 and £3 being 1/2 yrs interest to the 24^th day of June 1882.
The various accounts books and vouchers signed by Mr F Sturge the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
The Treasurers Book was produced examined and signed by the Chairman.

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